Trump vows to build massive Iron Dome for US if reelected


Published: 2024-06-23 14:24

Last Updated: 2024-07-13 11:57

Donald Trump at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference (Photo: AFP)
Donald Trump at Faith and Freedom Coalition conference (Photo: AFP)

Former President Donald Trump promised on Saturday to construct a robust missile-defense system akin to the Israeli Occupation’s Iron Dome across the US if he secures a second term in the White House.

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Speaking at a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, DC, Trump addressed a crowd of over 1,000 predominantly evangelical Christians, outlining his vision for a state-of-the-art defense shield designed to safeguard the nation from potential missile threats.

"In my next term, we will build a great Iron Dome over our country — a dome like has never been seen before," declared Trump.

"A state-of-the-art missile-defense shield that will be entirely built in America and create jobs, jobs, jobs," he asserted, rallying his supporters.

Drawing a comparison to “Israel”, Trump questioned why the US lacked a similar defensive capability.

"Israel has it. Israel has it. Why don’t we have it?" he continued.

Despite the ambitious proposal, Trump did not provide specific details during his address, such as whether the defense system would cover the entire perimeter of the country or the estimated cost of such a project.

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The scale of the challenge is considerable given the vast size of the US compared to “Israel”, which occupies a land area roughly equivalent to that of New Jersey.